Monday, October 10, 2011

Back in town

No, not from Blogorado (I have never been invited...not cool enough ;) ).  From California (I was attending to family). 

I have been away from the intarwebz and TeeVee for most of a week.  Upon return, I see that our government is still covering up, the LSM is still covering for them, and that the Marxists camping in New Yawk are more brazenly honest in their goals than ever.  Sigh...

I hope your preparations are going well. 



Weer'd Beard said...

Did you drive it?

Home on the Range said...

You're cool enough, and welcome at the Range with your bride for supper any time you're over this way.

Newbius said...

Flew. My choices were limited and time was short. I might post something about it later.

Jennifer said...

It's not whether or not you are cool enough. Seriously, there are only so many people that Blogoradoville can support.

Bubblehead Les. said...

RE Preps: Now that these "Occupy" Hippies are being revealed as just another group of Foot Soldiers of the Vast LEFT Wing Conspiracy, and it looks like they ain't going away until the Snow Flies, I agree; STOCK UP NOW! Come Spring, when the Election Cycle really kicks in, they'll be much more Organized and Dangerous.

Old NFO said...

Not much has changed... sigh

Mike W. said...

It's OK Newbius, I'm not cool enough either. :)

Newbius said...

Heh. The "not cool enough' was intended as a joke. I guess I need more smileys next time. It would not have worked out this year anyway. Maybe next year. :)

Stretch said...

Preparation in the form of 1000 rds. of .45acp and another battle pack (200 rds) of 7.62 NATO.
Oh ya, sharpened my bayonets. Gotta make sure they aren't playing 'possum.