I am very glad that this article exists. It is a refreshing bit of honest clarity about urban liberalism and how they view the rest of us. Please go and read it. Read it in its entirety for no other reason than to understand who you are dealing with, and what they think of you.
Then, get back to your preparations.
H/T Gay_Cynic
You need to read the whole thing. These people are the enemy of Freedom.
They believe that those who value individual Liberty and the God-given rights we enjoy are people to be feared. They believe that the urban liberal is the ultimate embodiment of compassion and wisdom, and they will enforce that belief at the point of a gun if necessary. Meaning, that they fear us, and will subjugate us by force as required to ensure the evolution and consummation of their Utopian vision.
They really do think we are unworthy of consideration. I fear it may be a mistake that they ultimately regret.
Same planet, different worlds. Literally.
I remember reading this piece back when it came out and being surprised to find someone with the typical city-dweller prejudices who had actually thought them through and continued to verbally espouse them even though bigotry is at the top of the list of Deadly Sins in his worldview.
Writing that must have been as cathartic for him as writing porn would be for the most repressed priest, or cussing out loud is for a five-year-old. He got to admit he doesn't like some people; that he doesn't care if they die; for someone whose personal credo is based on a certain bland niceness and a forced faux-concern for every cause on the planet, that must have been nearly orgasmic to type out.
and, let's admit it, we don't really want to live in Canada. It's too cold up there and in our heart-of-hearts we hate hockey.
Shows how far they can see past the ends of their own noses. If they're this ignorant about the neighbours, it doesn't give much hope for their interest in understanding their fellow citizens.
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